Apparently this isn’t anything new, but Dane Crook Cook stole some material from a comic with actual talent, Louis CK. Sounds like some stand up he did recently had a couple of extremely similar jokes to a Louis CK perfromance from 2001. You be the judge.

I don’t know. Maybe this kind of stuff happens all the time with comedians.

I will admit there have been a couple of times I thought Dane Cook was funny. I can’t lie about that. But not to the point of rock star status that he seems to have achieved. Overall, I would rate him as an average comic. But now that I know he steals material, I think my sister is funnier. And let me tell you, she’s not funny at all (The beauty here is that I have 2 sisters and they won’t know which one I’m talking about. And I doubt they ever read this blog, so I’m safe).

Apparently the writers for Scrubs agree. Dane Cook blows.

-Dave Q.


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  • I hope if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't go by size. Because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.