One of the coolest videos ever made, period! And definitely the feel good video of 2008. Maybe in some cases, the only good part of 2008? Was a rough year.
Anyway, I’m sure most of you have seen it already, but it’s worth posting in case anyone missed it. And if you did miss it, you can read the story about the video at How cool is that! I envy Matt’s passport.
Watching this video always makes me smile. And it always makes me want to pack up and do some more traveling! Yeah!! Let’s do this! Who’s with me!!??… (crickets)…. Anybody?….. (more crickets). Screw you guys, then. I guess it’s just me. And the crickets.
-Dave Q.
Very cool.
that was freakin’ awesome!
Good one!…as usual!
Forwarded to 30+ recipients!
This ought to increase your visitor’s numbers!
This is GREAT wants me to start packing and GO!!!
Fabulous. I’m sending to everyone I know. Very uplifting.
Haha… that was awesome. Wish I had the money to travel like that.