I don’t watch a lot of  TV.  If it’s not The Office, Scrubs, or sports, I’m doing other stuff.  Which explains why I don’t watch C.S.I.  I have seen parts of a couple of episodes, and the concept of the show is pretty cool.  But it’s hard to keep it all straight.  There is a C.S.I. New York, another one in Miami, C.S.I. Budapest is slotted to come out in the fall, etc.  Too much effort needed towards TV.  I’d rather go outside.

Anyway, I have some friends who work in a different department from me in my company.  And the head trainer there is cooking something up with a C.S.I. theme.  And while doing that, it looks like he got a few of them to pose for what can only be described as promo pics for the show.  And one of the pics leaked…

My hats off to all of them, because I don’t think I could have kept a straight face.  They all look so damn cool.  So smug.  So confident.  So glamorous.  Chances are they will never speak to me again.  Either because they’ve gone Hollywood and are too good to talk to me, or because they are mad that I posted this pic online.  I’ll have to explain to them that no one reads this blog.  Hopefully that calms them down.  Seriously though, I could swear a couple of them are now wearing their sunglasses indoors.

Great pic, guys.  My only suggestion for next time?  Guns.  Sweet, sexy guns…  :)

-Dave Q.

3 Responses to “C.S.I. San Antonio.”

  • Hello, Nobody here!

    I’m afraid of the one on the left in black.

  • Kari:

    This is awesome but they should have taken the pic in an ally or in front of a brick wall.

  • Mike:

    Wow… I definitely wouldn’t mess with any of them.

    I really don’t watch much TV either. CSI is cool… but there are way too many of them to keep track of, and I don’t know what the difference is between the various “species” of it.

    Oh and by the way… “The Office” is the world’s worst show. Booooooo!

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Today's Deep Thought

  • When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns.