I somehow have the energy to post this, but I really don’t know how. I am flippin’ tired. I can’t stop yawning.
Let’s see. Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I got my day going around 7am. The Turkey Trot started at 9am, so I had to get up early to start stretching. I can’t express to you how important stretching has become for me. I remember when I was younger that I would do stuff without stretching, and generally had no problems. Now if I don’t stretch before doing a physical activity, then the next day I feel more like 53 instead of 33.
Anyway, I did the 4 mile Turkey Trot. It wasn’t that bad. Pain was minimal, and I didn’t come in last. So mission accomplished! Of course, my Dad ran it with me and beat me by 4 minutes. In my defense, he’s always been a runner. I, on the other hand, have to work at it. I wish I had some pics to share, but there just wasn’t a good opportunity for photos. But to help you visualize, I look pretty damn good with a piece of paper saftey pinned to my shirt with a four digit number on it. I’m just sayin’.
So when I finished the Trot, I went home, showered, and did the Thanksgiving thing. That pretty much consists of eating and then watching football, with a couple of naps in between. But for whatever reason, I didn’t nap (I know, the Apocolypse). I didn’t get into bed until 11:30pm. And that lasted four hours, because I had to make a run at Black Friday. Hey, I hate shopping. Let me be clear about that. But some deals you have to jump on.
So, I went. I purchased. I got breakfast. Then I came into work. Yes, I am at work today. It was my turn this year to do the day after Thanksgiving. So here I am, rubbing my eyes, yawning, and re-typing all my typos. I need sleep like Ben Affleck needs acting lessons.
Looking forward to some ZZZZZs…
-Dave Q.
Congratulations! Im really impressed!!
Sounds like a good T giving. The work part is a bummer. I want to run in a race. I gotta fix this little smoking issue first.
Sounds like a productive couple of days! Too bad you have to work.
wow. busy day …and at work? wow.
I have found that if I stretch every night before bed, my body feels much better the next day {whether I’ve done physical activity or not} …however, I’ll never run a marathon
you didn’t like Ben Affleck in pearl harbor? best. movie. ever.
totally kidding. good job not coming in last at the run. that’s always my goal as well (and my mom always kicks my ass)
Grats! Hey, all that matters is that you did it.
Congrats on completing the Turkey Trot! You have certainly accomplished a lot in the past few days! I’m tired just reading it.
Congrats on the run. Hey, at least you can feel less guilty about eating a big meal that day with the run out of the way.
Where was this turkey trot?
My daughter ran one in Austin…was your’s in S.A.
Ugh, working the day after Thanksgiving is the worst. I’ve done it the past two years.
Congrats on not finishing last in the turkey trot.
That’s all that matters.
I can’t imagine running four miles before Thanksgiving Dinner. A guilt-free holiday…good for you
Awesome! That’s gives me incentive to go work out tonight, even though my cold may have relapsed. Ugh. Did you get anything awesome?
Perhaps you need to snuggle up with a viewing of Die Hard to unwind.
I love Die Hard…you judged too quickly!!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Hope you get some rest.
I wanted to do a Turkey Trot, but then I remembered my legs suck at moving at fast speeds, and my lungs are unionized, so they take frequent breaks. I laud your efforts to be less lazy than me.
Love the Ben Affleck acting reference. So true.
I’m jealous that you did the Turkey Trot! Good for you
I wish I’d gotten some physical activity in that day – running…walking…anything other than digesting!