Archive for May, 2009
I haven’t blogged in a couple of weeks. Not because I haven’t had anything to say. But maybe because there has been too much to say. Does that make sense? Probably not. Let me just say that life has been a 120mph rollercoaster lately. Nothing bad. Actually good things. Just very busy.
Anyway, so let me get back into te swing of blogging. And share with you all something I found online. This is a 1970 ad from Subaru. Read the whole thing. Almost reads like something out of a romance novel. Uh,… at least I imagine it would be like this…
I know most people out there are disgusted with it. But I think it’s pretty damned funny! It’s amazing how different things were in the 70s. Maybe I find it amusing because of how politically incorrect I am to begin with. Who knows.
If any females out there are truly offended by this ad, maybe you should ask yourself this: Are you a spirited woman? And do you yearn to be tamed?
-Dave Q.
Most of you don’t know this, but the series Scrubs has come to an end. Why wouldn’t you know that? Because no one was watching it anymore. Hence, the series ending. Now that that is cleared up…
I finally got around to seeing the finale. Probably one of the best series finales I’ve ever scene. Made the Seinfeld and Sopranos finales look, well… they already sucked. So whatever is worse than sucking. Anyway, above you can see the last few minutes of the show. I like how they brought out so many of the show’s repeat characters there. Nice way to give them props. Anyway, if you ever watched the show, you will appreciate it. If you never did, then you’re definitely going to think J.D. (Zach Braff’s character) was pretty friggin’ gay.
So that’s it for Scrubs. I’ll have to find my laughs elsewhere. I hope The Office is up to the challenge.
-Dave Q.
This Saturday I am running in the Beach to Bay relay marathon in Corpus Christi, TX. Am I ready for it? Hell no. But I am part of a team that is relying on me and I gotta do what I gotta do. And right about now, that mostly consists of not dying.
I have been doing some running in preperation for this weekend. What I’ve noticed is that I don’t do well when I run on a track. I do much better when I am on a treadmill or running from point A to point B. For some reason, I can’t run in a circle. Or at least I can’t do it with any consistency. Another thing is that I find myself running better in the heat. I have ran at night, but it just gets too cool and that slight breeze that you would think would be welcome actually bothers me. I can’t explain it. I know it doesn’t make sense. Any of you experience anything like that?
I’m a little bummed out that I had ordered a handheld HD camera on Amazon with the hopes of having it this weekend. So far, it hasn’t arrived. The worst part is that I ordered it in early April. I knew they were backordered, but I had hopes anyway. So that leaves me with my trusty old Sony Cybershot. I’ll be posting pics of the event later.
Feel free to wish me luck. I will need plenty of it.
-Dave Q.
I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to Dom DeLuise, who passed away yesterday at the age of 75. The guy made me laugh quite a bit when I would watch those movies he starred in during the ’70s and early ’80s. The guy was funny. Plain and simple.
Here is Dom DeLuise cracking up in outtakes of the movie The Cannonball Run. This film came out in 1981 and had what was referred to back then as an “all-star” cast. Hard to argue. It had Burt Reynolds, Roger Moore, Dean, Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Farah Fawcett, Terry Bradshaw, Jackie Chan, Henry Fonda, and of course, Dom DeLuise. Not bad, huh? If you’ve never seen it, do yourself a favor and and watch it sometime. Warning: Sense of humor required.
Anyway, this was the first Burt Reynolds – Dom DeLuise flick I watched as a kid. And I loved it. Always brings back good memories. Thanks for the laughs, Dom.
-Dave Q.
Want to see a video compilation of a girl in a ton of photos with the exact same ridiculous look on her face? I knew you would!
Seriously. WTF is wrong with her? It’s like she got stuck on “retarded” or something. I seriously wonder if maybe she doesn’t have any teeth. Or maybe she is a mannequin? Nah. They don’t make mannequins to look that skanky, do they?
Here is a link to a website with more people that have the “must make the exact same face when in front of camera” syndrome.
Makes me wonder if I know anyone with this condition. I’m going to go through some old pics. If I come upw with something, I will post it here.
-Dave Q.