Archive for April 10th, 2007

I got to watch Grindhouse this weekend. Being a fan of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, I figured why not. While it’s not the best movie the world has ever seen, it’s definitely not the worst. If you like their other stuff, you should like this. A lot of the same actors from their previous films make appearances in one fashion or another.

If I had a complaint, it’s Rose McGowan. Too bad she was in the film. Not a good actress. And she has that skankiness about her. Like a poor man’s Tara Reid. Who in turn is a poor man’s Lindsey Lohan. Who in another turn is a poor man’s Paris Hilton. Don’t these girls just scream “classy”?

Anyway, back to Grindhouse. Worth the price of admission? I guess. It’s a double feature so be warned that it’s long, and your ass will most likely be hurting after a while. Worth the price on DVD? Sure, if it’s on sale.

If you do get a chance to check it out, pay attention to Zoe Bell. She is a stunt woman out of New Zealand and plays herself in the second film of the double feature. This girl is a bad ass. You’ll see why.

-Dave Q.

April 2007
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.