Archive for March 30th, 2009

So I have 2 weeks to go in Lent.  And I am barely hanging in there.

I have been good without eating any red meat.  But damn I want to tear into a steak so bad.  You just don’t know!  And the lack of sweet tea (or any tea for that matter) has been killing me.  I am amazed at my self-discipline.

The no haircuts and no shaving thing is in full effect.  I am truly shocked by this.  About 2 weeks ago I was so close to shaving that I actually applied the shaving cream to my face.  It was oh so close.

I failed in trying to avoid going out for lunch.  It was just to damn hard to do.  So I botched that one up.  And the not eating after sundown?  Yeah.  That’s down the tubes as well.  Now you know why I stacked the deck.  I knew I would crack on a couple.  Oh, yeah.  The no sarcasm thing?  Didn’t work either.  :(

Anyway, bottom line is I have 2 weeks to go.  And right now I look like a homeless guy.  A cranky homeless guy.  I have been trying to keep up with some pics of the beard, so I will be posting what I have the day after easter.

See you at the finish line.  Which also resembles a barber shop.

-Dave Q.

March 2009
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.