Over the past week, I have been suffering big time. I know. Heartbreaking, isn’t it? My allergies having been wrecking havoc on me. I’m congested. My eyes are red. I can’t stop sneezing. I must have sneezed 17 times in a row the other day. No joke. Ask my co-workers who had to hear it all.

I never had allergy issues as a kid. Is this typical? Do your allergies get progressively worse as you get older? And if so, is this the beginning of more things to come? Am I officially starting to fall apart at the age of 32? Damn. So now am I not only feeling like crap, I’m now depressed, too.

For the record, I have been taking Claritin D in an attempt to feel better. And it worked great… NOT. It didn’t do jack to make me feel better. Either my allergies are super-human, or Claritin D sucks. I’m leaning towards the latter. Then again, if my allergies are indeed “super-human”, I can’t say I would be completely surprised.

-Dave Q.

One Response to “Allergies”

  • Olga:

    It’s ok Dave…Claritin never worked for me either. I always found the Tylenol allergy or something of the like, to work best for me. :)

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I think the biggest mistake I ever made in my life was not eating all of that guy's pie instead of just half of it, because he was in the restroom for at least another two or three minutes.