Archive for the ‘Spanish’ Category

Well, I don’t know about you guys, but after dealing with Hurricanes Gustav and Ike, I feel like we are in the need for something positive out of the weather report.  Well, this should do the trick.  :)

Do you ever watch the Spanish network Univision? Or Telemundo, maybe?  Me neither. But I might start if only to find out what the weather is going to be for the next day. Although you can only take what they say with a grain if salt. Turns out this girl, Jackie Guerrido, was hired on to do the weather at a time when she didn’t know jack about doing the weather.

Big deal. She was hired because she’s hot. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.  Experience is overrated anyway.  Just look at Obama and Palin.

Plus, most meteorologists get the weather wrong. Except for my buddy, Paul. Not you, Paul. You know what you’re doing when it comes to the weather (not so much fantasy football). But the rest of those guys suck. If I’m going to watch the weather and get bad intel, I’m at least going to get it from the hot chick.  Hmmm, old dopey weather guy or young caliente latina???  “Caliente” means “hot”, I think.

-Dave Q.

First, my apologies to my loyal readers (Max and Murphy) for not blogging in a while.  I’ve been traveling.  And it’s hard to focus on the blog when you’re stuck in airports.  Moving on…

Feliz Cumpleanos!  Welcome to the 3-0 Club! And go to hell if I didn’t spell that in Spanish correctly.

This past weekend we celebrated my good friend Horbi’s birthday.  It was good to see him and some other friends I hadn’t seen in a while.  He was quick to point out that after knowing him for a few years that this was the first birthday get together of his that I attend.  Come on, man.  Not my fault your birthday is July 1st.  And that you have a habit of planning these things when I’m out of town traveling.  Oh, wait. Was that by design?  I see…  How do you say ‘bastard’ in Spanish?

Anyway, I bought these nice cigars for the occasion.  Definitely ‘birthday’ worthy.  I’m not sure if they were Puerto Rican, but they were definitely rum flavored.  So I figured he would appreciate that.  I mean, what else is Puerto Rico about besides rum?  Anyone?  Mr. Bacardi?…

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.