Archive for February 25th, 2009

Well, I’m going with what people voted for that I give up for Lent.  AS LONG AS I CAN.  I’m a pretty clean cut dude, so this won’t be easy.  But I will be adding a few other challenges to the list to fall back on, because I’m realistic about this haircut/shaving thing.  Anyway, here is my list for Lent 2009.  Gonna be a good Catholic…

  • No haircuts or shaving.  This is what was voted on.  I will do my best, but I wouldn’t bet on me.
  • No eating out.  I may actually starve to death.  This will force me into learning how to cook.
  • No sarcasm.  I will break this one within the hour.
  • No red meat.  I’ve done this a couple of times and it has gotten more difficult.  But it has lowered my cholesterol.
  • No sweet tea.  Oh the humanity!!!
  • Fasting after sundown.  Hakeem Olajuwon did this one year.  I figure if a world class athlete is capable, why not me?

I look at this list and see that most of the stuff that people sacrifice, including myself, have to do with eating.  I bet they don’t do that in other parts of the world.  Only in America.  But, hey, what can you do?

So it begins today.  Wish me luck.  Say a little prayer for me.  And if I start looking pretty scruffy, don’t call the cops claiming you saw a terrorist.  Wait.  Was that politically incorrect?  Maybe I will give that up next year.

-Dave Q.

February 2009
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.