Archive for September 24th, 2009
When I was a kid, I always thought about how cool it would be to have a bunch of big time action heroes be in one movie. I distinctly remember thinking that a remake of The Dirty Dozen would have been awesome with the likes of Arnold, Sly, Chuck Norris, Mr. T, etc. You get the point. Well, I came across some info on a movie coming out next year. Why have I not heard of this?!? Or have I not heard about it because my primary source for world news isn’t Entertainment Tonight? If so, my bad.
Anyway, this movie comes out in 2010. It’s called “The Expendables”, and check out this plot: A team of mercenaries head to South America on a mission to overthrow a dictator. Did your eyes light up? Now check out the cast…
- Sylvester Stallone
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Mickey Rourke
- Jet Li
- Bruce Willis
- Jason Statham
- Eric Roberts
- “Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Holy freakin’ crap!! How awesome will this be??? I mean, as long as you go into the movie theater with the intention to be entertained and not take it seriously, then I don’t see how it could disappoint. Explosions! Shooting! Crazy fight scenes! I love this quote from COED Magazine about the movie.
Anyway, I now have a movie to look forward to for next year. Because this year has been pretty brutal. Transformers and G.I. Joe? What the hell were those about? That was a kick to the gonads of my childhood. I’m glad I didn’t see them. Well, I mean, I did take my niece and nephew to Transformers. But I couldn’t watch. It was that bad. Not even Megan Fox’s hotness could save that piece of crap. Just being honest here…
-Dave Q.