A quick shout out to my fellow IT bothers and sisters out there.  Today is System Administrator’s Appreciation Day.  And if your office is anything like mine, then you will probably go all day without anyone mentioning anything to you.  Why?  Probably because they suck.  But most likely because they just don’t know about it.  And I’m not the kind of guy to go around and tell everyone that they are failing to recognize a significant day to techies everywhere.  I will just take my time today should they need anything.  :)  

Anyway, I hope all of you out there help spread the word.  Maybe it becomes viral?  Maybe someday soon we start getting the recognition we deserve?  After all, they have secretary’s day, or is it the more politically correct administrative assistant’s day?  Who knows.  But I do know the boss’s admin couldn’t print out those reports if a sysadmin hadn’t installed the software and setup that printer. ;)

Keep fighting the good fight!

-Dave Q.

BTW, I love Jennifer Aniston.

4 Responses to “Happy SysAdmin Day!”

  • I am going to harass you on all mediums. Ok, here’s some geek fun:

    Also known as (id ten t) id10t errors…

    “Where’s the “any” key?”
    “How do I get my IP address?”
    “Are you guys doing something to the computers? I can’t login in Facebook.”
    “I just spilled coffee on my laptop and now it won’t start.”
    “Do I have to install the updates?”
    “Why can’t I listen to the radio online?”
    “If you restore my hard drive, will I lose my baby’s pictures?”

    Happy SAAD!!!!

  • Dave,
    Yes, we all must appreciate the hardwork of syatem admin. without them, we can not surf, blog smoothly.
    Happy system admin day to all.
    Have the great day.

  • Mike:

    Happy SAD day to you too! (Hahaha… I’m so funny.)

    Luckily, I was on vacation during SysAdmin Day. Can’t say I was overly-upset about not being there to celebrate with my co-workers. :)

  • Mike:

    Oh yeah… and I would totally do Jennifer Aniston.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.