There are only 9 days left until Easter.  Which means in 9 days I am going to have a cheeseburger.  And a steak.  At the same time.

Actually, I can’t say that Lent has been too bad this year.  I gave up red meat, but I haven’t missed it as much as I thought I would.  Plus, it’s not necessarily a bad thing for your health to lay off of red meat every now and then.  So, I’m calling this a win-win.  Also contributing to this “win” is that I ate plenty of sushi over the last few weeks, which makes me happy.  I wonder what my mercury levels are now.  Hmmm.

Like it wasn’t easy for Kermit the Frog to be green, it’s not easy being Catholic.  And when you’re not the best Catholic around, you try and make up for your shortcomings during Lent.  So seeing as how I didn’t sacrifice too much this year, I must have been good in 2009, right??  Nah.  I just didn’t plan properly and couldn’t come up with a good sacrifice.  But something is better than nothing… I hope.

-Dave Q.

One Response to “9 days to go.”

  • You’re trying to be a good Catholic, and that’s all you need to do in my book. :-)
    It’s ok, I have been eating enough red meat for the two of us lol!!

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  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.