So yesterday as I was watching The Masters, I had to chuckle as I witnessed Tiger’s meltdown.  Usually, I don’t really care that much about golf.  Especially not enough to waste precious television time on it.  But I tuned in for the sole purpose of rooting against Tiger.  Did I root against him because of all the cheating he did on his wife?  No.  Anybody with that much fame and money would do the same.  So if that’s not the reason why I was rooting against Tiger, then what was?  This video answers that question:

The voice you hear is that of Earl Woods, Tiger’s father.  He died in 2006.  In the video, he is pretty much scolding Tiger.  Asking him if he learned anything.  Seriously?  You had to bring in your dead father to try to make yourself look good??  And Tiger with his pouty face.  Are we supposed to feel sorry for this guy?  Whatever, Tiger.  You officially suck.  And Nike can go to hell to for this crap.  Using a deceased man to try and save the golden boy.  Nice try.  I hope it doesn’t work.

Does anyone think there really is such a thing as sex addiction?  If so, I’m a sex addict.  I love sex, so I must be addicted to it, right?  I’m waiting for the day that one of these celebrity schmucks stands up and takes his lumps like a man instead of always blaming something else and going to rehab.  I’ll be waiting for a long time…

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.