My buddy Jay and I made a bet when the Tennessee Titans drafted Vince Young. He said Vince Young would lead the Titans to the playoffs sometime within his first 3 years. I said he wouldn’t. Last night I lost the bet. Sort of.

The Titans beat the Colts Sunday night, and with that win, squeaked into the playoffs. Never mind that good old VY was on the sideline (with yet another injury) when his team went ahead. But it is notable that the backup QB, Kerry Collins, was the one getting interviewed right after the game. Camera time usually reserved for the player that made the biggest impact to victory. But, oh well. Vince “Wonderlic” Young is on the Titans. And the Titans are in the playoffs. So Jay wins the bet. The first bet he has won against me since we were Sophomore’s in high school 17 years ago. At a boy, Jay! Nice job, man.

Still, I have to express how much Vince Young sucks. It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t bring up the sensational 2007 stats that he produced. I won’t mention that beautiful QB rating, since children under the age of 18 could be reading this. But I will say this: I don’t know anything that defines “leading one’s team into the playoffs” like throwing 9 TDs and 17 interceptions for the season. Wow. Friggin’ wow.

The worst thing about this situation is not that I will be giving Jay a bottle of his favorite liquor. I actually like that part. Crown Royal makes him happy, so I’m cool with that. No, the worst part about this is that I will have to keep seeing Vince Young try to throw a football. The Titans play the Chargers next week. And since I like the Chargers, I will be watching the game. And cringing when I see Vince Young firing those ever so tight spirals to his receivers.

The more I think about this, the more I think Jay will have to wait on his bottle of Crown. I’m going to need every drop of that shit to get through that game.

-Dave Q.

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  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.