I’ve always thought of myself as fairly conservative. But lately with all that is happening in the world of politics right now, I feel the need to rethink my positions. I do have a couple of liberal views and my reasons for them, so I know I’m not 100% conservative. So what the hell am I really?

So today I made it a point to use this beautiful Al Gore invention and search the web for answers. Maybe a test or quiz.? Some kind of questionaire to help me determine if I’m a “right wing nut job” or a “tree hugging hippie”. Well, I think I found one. Check it out here. It comes from the website people-press.org, and it looks as if these folks specialize in this kind of research. The questions, and the page are dated 2005, but I figure it’s close enough.

So I took the test. And the results were slightly shocking. I’m not as conservative as I thought. But I’m no “bleeding heart”, either. Did it do anything to make it clearer who I’m going to vote for this November? Not really. Unless you include the fact that I will never vote for Hillary Clinton. But I knew that before I took the quiz.

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns.