• Flight to Hawaii… $0 (long story)

  • Jeep rental…  $150

  • Digital camera… $300

  • Making the most of your time with your niece and nephew while waiting for your sister as she runs an errand at the store… PRICELESS.  :)

-Dave Q.

6 Responses to “Priceless”

  • I’ve never seen someone have so much fun running errands. You & your neice/nephew are welcome to run errands with me anytime!

  • Kari:

    These pics are too cute, David.

  • This is absolutely delightful. I laughed and felt so alive looking at these wonderful spontaneous photos. I love the kids slowly start to follow your lead until your niece is right up next to you really pulling faces. I LOVE pulling faces. So much fun to had doing it. Such a fun thing to do with kids! Good for you!!! :) :)

  • Kali:

    Hi David:

    Thanks for coming by my blog …and no, you are NOT the only person who assumed I was talking about a guy… Thanks for the compliments :)

    BTW, these pictures are beautiful. Can you please tell me what kind of camera you used?? I am looking to buy a really awesome digital SLR

  • This is the best post I’ve seen in a long time.

  • I love the photos! It’s great to capture those moments on film (doh) on digital!


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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.