Seven years ago today was the infamous September 11th attacks.  Where 19 cowardly savages killed nearly three thousand Americans and people from other nationalities, all in the name of hate.  I take comfort in knowing right now they are burning in hell with the likes of Adolph Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer, but it still makes me cringe to think about that day and all the chaos that ensued.  Life has never been the same.  Our country was changed forever.

To this day I still remember, as I’m sure all of you do, where I was that sad day.  But I more so remember what happened that night.  And this is something I have never shared with anyone, period.  I don’t remember exactly where I was driving to, but I remember going somewhere and listening intently to the news in my Jeep.  And of course all they were talking about was the carnage, the destruction, and who had a hand in it, etc.  And so the news station was taking calls from eyewitnesses, when a young girl called in.  If I had to guess, she was fourteen or fifteen.  And listening to the way she spoke about what she had seen and all the chaos that was going on, I started crying.  And let me be clear about something.  I never cry.  And when I say cry, I mean I was balling like a little girl.  I couldn’t stop.  I had the lump in my throat and everything.  And for those that don’t know me, I take pride in not wearing my emotions on my sleeve.  But that day was too much for me.  Easily one of the crappiest days of my life.

Anyway, I thought I would share that.  Maybe it will be therapeutic to do so.  How about you guys?  Where were you when all that went down?  And did it strike an emotional chord that you didn’t know existed like it did me?

It amazes me how united this country was seven short years ago and how divided we are today.  How in the hell did we get here??  Anyway, enough of all this sappy talk.  On to more pressing things.  I wonder what I’m going to eat for lunch today?  Hmmmm…  :)

But on one last serious note.  Let’s be nicer to each other.  I’ll try harder if you will…

-Dave Q.

5 Responses to “Never forget…”

  • First let me say that there is nothing wrong with guys showing emotion. While it’s not necessary to wear your heart on your sleeve, it’s perfectly okay to share your emotions. :-)

    I was at school the morning of the attacks. I was sitting outside an office when a lady came by and told me that planes were being hijacked. I then went to class so I didn’t realize the magnitude of the events until much later that day. I remember sitting in front of the t.v. with my mouth open wide in a look of shock. I sat there all afternoon and evening as they repeatedly showed the images of the towers falling, people jumping out of the towers, people covered in ash, etc. I’ll never forget those images for as long as I live.

    It is amazing to look back at how united the country was in the months following 9/11 and compare it to where we are today.

  • Kari:

    It was sometime in the 9am hour and I was in line at the bank at USAA. Everyone was minding their own business; keeping to themselves. The tellers started talking about what was going on and a security guard put a TV on CNN in the lobby. Everyone stopped and gathered around the TV to watch. Some people were crying and others were horror-struck. Just a few minutes before people were eyeing each other making sure no one cut in line before them and after that everyone was saying “go right ahead”.

  • I was preparing my classroom for the day when a 7th grader ran in and asked if I’d heard about the air planes. I couldn’t help but get emotional and tear up while 1st and 2nd period watched the carnage. My husband was in fire fighter academy, and I kept thinking of the fire fighters and their families. Then the principal came on the speaker and told all teachers to turn off the tvs and not speak of it anymore that day because the kids were too traumatized by what they were seeing. It was soooo hard to go on as if life were no different. I couldn’t care less about teaching at that point. Sorry if I appear to be stalking you. I freak out every time I see your picture on my screen of recent readers because that pic looks identical to my college boyfriend. I wondered there for a sec… :D

  • “It amazes me how united this country was seven short years ago and how divided we are today. How in the hell did we get here??”

    Obama stepped into the spotlight.

  • Mike:

    I was in my high school math class when I heard. I came in, sat down, and my teacher had a really worried look on her face. I didn’t realize how serious it all was at first until we turned on the TV and saw the carnage. I was completely numb and didn’t know how to react. I’d never seen anything like that before in my life. I was stunned, angry, sad, and confused all at the same time.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I hope if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't go by size. Because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.