So I went to a party on St. Patrick’s Day.  I figured this wouldn’t be so bad.  There would be beer and other forms of alcohol, but not to the extent of a bar on St. Patty’s Day.  So I went there with an attitude of “have a good time no matter what”.  Well, I never realized how critical a couple of drinks are in the spirit of having a good time.  I’m not saying you can’t have a good time without alcohol, but when you are the only one not drinking, it feels like you’re missing out.  And if you say something less than intelligent, which I’ve been known to do, you don’t have alcohol to blame.  Damn.

Smile?  How about you go to hell instead?


So I’m saying it now.  I won’t be giving up alcohol for Lent next year.  And if I do have that thought, I hope someone hits me in the head with a 9 iron.  It is just a lousy time to not be drinking freely.  Maybe next year I’ll give up something that I don’t do now.  Like coffee.  I don’t do coffee.  So that won’t be hard.

-Dave Q.

2 Responses to “St. Patrick’s Day + Lent – Beer = Sucks”

  • :

    I see the sadness in your eyes. What were you thinking giving up alcohol? Don’t you know that you always want what you can not have!

  • :

    I prefer to see your sad eyes but have you alive!
    Just remember, how many young man just for the heck of having fun drinking and showing off in a party, they live their lives on their way home in a crash accident.
    Don’t you ever regret “the sacrifice” that you are doing today. You may not please your friends, but who cares, you are plesing GOD, HE is the more important thing in our lives.
    I love you!

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