Archive for December 15th, 2008

Good God do I hate Christmas shopping.  Hate it!  It ranks up with there with being stuck in a traffic jam.  Or washing my dogs.  I will, however, admit that this year it hasn’t been as bad.  Why?  Because I know what I’m looking for.  That makes a tremendous difference!  Most years I beg for friends and loved ones to give me a clue as to what they would like or need for Christmas.  And most years they don’t tell me squat.  And that leads to me going to the malls, wandering aimlessly, hunting for parking spaces, dealing with other frustrated people, etc.  It just blows.

But this year I decided to take a different approach.  I decided to pay attention.  Who the heck knew this would be such an effective strategy?!?  The results are that I have all the major gifts either already taken care of or just waiting to go get them.  But knowing what you have to buy is just so stress free!  Not only that, but the gifts I got are just ridiculously good.  I have to brag. :)

Anyway, I still hate Christmas shopping.  I just hate it a little less this year.

-Dave Q.

December 2008
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.