Archive for July 30th, 2009

There is just something about Mexican soccer star Rafa Marquez I don’t like. He’s got this smug look about him. I have no doubt that he would romance the pants off of his best friend’s wife if left alone with her for 15 minutes. He looks like that one guy in the Diane Lane movie, Unfaithful. Kind of Euro-trashy.

Now in all honesty, I don’t think Marquez is all bad. He’s from Mexico. And without Mexico, there wouldn’t be enchiladas. Or Speedy Gonzalez. So I can’t be that upset with him.

With that being said, no way in hell I want my woman near this guy! Whenever she goes on a trip to Mexico, it makes me nervous. Is Marquez out there like a snake? Watching? Waiting for the moment to strike? I would hands down say yes. Greasy haired bastard.

Keep in mind, fellas. Most women wouldn’t mind being snake bitten by this scum bag. So don’t say I didn’t warn you! Now, back to photoshopping Marquez stomping on some puppies…

-Dave Q.

Note:  Yes, I may still be bitter about the U.S. getting owned by Mexico in the soccer match last Sunday, but I assure you that is complete coincidence.  :)

July 2009
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.