Archive for May 1st, 2010

So I went to a happy hour last night.  Which then turned into happy hours.  Having a good time, shooting pool, downing a few drinks, enjoying the company of friends, etc.  Everything you need to result in a good time!  Of course as you have a drink or two… or several more, the urge to relieve yourself hit you.  So after losing what was probably my 4th straight game of pool, to a girl, I decide it’s time to pay a visit to the men’s room.  As soon as I walk in there, I look over and think to myself, “dammit”.

I’m not a fan of bathroom attendants.  When I go to the restroom, I just want to take care of what I need to take care of and that’s that.  I don’t need anyone there to turn on the faucet for me and squirt soap in my hands.  And of course they do this and expect a tip for it.  Jeez.  Half the time I’m not even carrying cash.  When it comes to tipping a waitress or bar tender, I put it on my credit card.  I don’t want to have to ever plan for bathroom attendant tips.  I think I will boycott any bars that have bathroom attendants from here on out.  Am I the only one that is annoyed by these guys?  Do they have a female version in the ladies room??

This got me thinking about other annoying professions.  So I ranked my top 5:

  • Bathroom Attendants (still pretty freshly annoyed from last night)
  • TSA Employees (seems like they all have a chip on their shoulder)
  • Car Salesman (just back off and let me look at the car, will ya?)
  • Telemarketers (no need to explain)
  • Tech support that can’t speak English (these guys make me want to punch something)

I intentionally left out politicians since that is an obvious one and by default nobody likes those imbeciles.  Did I miss any?

-Dave Q.

May 2010
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.