Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the winner of my Fantasy Football League…


I have so many people to thank for this.  Namely Aaron Rodgers and Peyton Hillis.  Great season guys!  Rashard Mendenhall was a workhorse all year and what can you say about Desean Jackson?  All those flashy plays made contributed to the Banana Warriors first championship!  I also want to thank the outstanding General Manager of the Banana Warriors, me.  Outstanding job all around!

What’s cool about this league is that this is the 3rd year all of us play together, so we all know each other and get together for a live draft each year.  It makes for good trash talk, although this year it was lacking a bit.  Perhaps this can be addressed next year.  Anyway, 2010 will be the first year we are going to be awarding a trophy!  Something that we will have engravable plates on it  so that the winner each year will have their team name on the trophy, and the winner takes the trophy for the year.  Sounds pretty good to me!  So the next task for our league will be to name said trophy.  We’ve been kicking around some ideas around, but I think a good name for it would be “The Sterger Cup”, named after former Jets sideline reporter and Brett Favre text-scandal chick Jenn Sterger.  I figure her 15 minutes are almost up anyway, so why not salute her contribuitons to journalism boobs with this honor?  I mean, the girl isn’t all that bright to begin with and once the looks go, this trophy might be the only thing she has left.  :)   What do you think?

-Dave Q.

One Response to “Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!”

  • Mike:

    Haha… the Sterger Cup sounds like a winner to me.

    I gotta get in on this whole fantasy football thing next year. I feel left out every time I hear people brag about their standings. The wife and I are already prepping for March Madness this year.

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  • When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns.