I remember back in the day the Miss Universe pageant was a big deal.  These days I just watch so little TV that I had no idea it came on last night.  However, I did hear about the Miss Hooters pageant that took place last week.  Missed that one, too.  But the girl that won works at a San Antonio Hooters.  Hmmm…  Maybe I should give their wings another chance.

Anyway, I heard this morning that Miss USA stumbled again.  And that Miss Venezuela won.  I don’t really care about either of those.  What I do care about is getting up to speed with some of the swimsuit competition highlights.  God bless YouTube.

So because I care, I present to you…

Miss Mexico

Miss Korea

Miss Brazil

and Miss Australia

In one of these videos there is a girl walking in the background in a one piece.  WTF?  She’s in a beauty pageant and wearing a one piece?  Why did she even bother showing up?  That is the same as forfeiting.  Maybe she saw the rest of the competition and gave up?

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.