Archive for March 9th, 2007

The super hot girl with the provocative internet pics got voted off of American Idol last night. I’ve never seen the show except for one episode during the tryout stage and all the YouTube clips my buddy Brian is forcing me to watch. But from what I have seen, there is NO reason why she should have been voted off! I mean, did you see those pictures? ? The girl is smokin’! Antonella is so hot, she makes my hair hurt.

Again, someone is telling me that this is a singing contest. I heard her sing. And I’ve heard worse. Doesn’t her hotness count for anything? Oh well. It’s not like anyone should feel sorry for her. I’m sure she’ll be making the rounds on Maxim and Playboy over the next few months. Meaning we will get to see more of her true talent.

-Dave Q.

A mini fridge that can throw a nice cold one to you? Yup. Some guy with way too much time on his hands has built a beer launching refridgerator. It can “throw” a beer to someone approximately 13 feet away. And now the inventor is offering to build one for you for the very low price $1500 a pop. Hmmmmm. Where can I find $1500 to waste?

You’ve got to admire the creativeness and enginuity involved. It really makes me proud to know we have people out there like this trying to figure out ways to make us even lazier. God knows I need all the help I can get in that department.

-Dave Q.

March 2007
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.