Archive for March 15th, 2007

Today is the day boys and girls! The beginning of the NCAA tournament! One of the better sporting events of the year. Definitely more interesting than the Stanley Cup or The Masters. But not as interesting as women’s beach volleyball. :)


So the tourney kicks off with Maryland and some poor school called Davidson. Sadly, it will probably be an ugly beat down for Davidson. I will be pulling for most of the underdogs in the tournament, so if Davidson pulls off a shocker, I’m cool with that. But my bracket won’t be happy.

My Final Four picks consist of Notre Dame, Ohio State, North Carolina, and Kansas, with Notre Dame winning the whole damn thing. I am well aware that the Irish winning the championship is a looooooooong shot, but stranger things have happened. Overall, I just want an exciting tournament. Some solid, gritty play. A couple of buzzer beaters to advance would be nice. And Duke losing is always fun.

Irish Baby!


-Dave Q.

23 days down.  23 days to go.  This hasn’t been easy for me.  Especially the no drinking alcohol part.  That has been brutal!  Not because I’m a big drinker or anything, but because I have been bombarded with events that you need to drink at to have a good time.

For example, last Saturday was a bachelor party I had to attend.  Why was I not enthusiastic?  Can’t drink.  Where’s the fun there?  And St. Patty’s Day is around the corner.  A bunch of friends are going bar hopping, so naturally it would be stupid for me to go.  I guess I could be the designated driver, but why should I have to suffer by listening to all that sweet drunk talk?

Bottom line is, I am going to think twice thrice before sacrificing alcohol again.  Too hard.  And being Catholic, I should be drinking wine at church, right?  So, yeah.  It may have been a little counterproductive.

-Dave Q.

March 2007
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.