Archive for October 13th, 2008

I’ve been playing some tennis here and there over the last few months.  It’s fun and you get a decent little workout.  Well, if it was competitive tennis I’m sure it would be a great workout.  But since I’m no where near that, it’s good to get the blood flowing.  I think at times I even sweat a little. :)

So yesterday when I went to pay my parents a visit, I brought my tennis gear.  My parents used to play a lot back in the day.  In fact, I remember as a young boy in Hawaii going with my Mom to her tennis lessons.  Anyway, I asked them if they felt like going to the middle school by their house where they had some tennis courts.  After some convincing, they agreed to go out and play.

So here I was thinking I would hit a few balls at them, get the heart rate going, etc.  Little did I know they still knew how to hit.  And that they knew how to hit trick shots, too.  Caught me completely off guard.  So I was hustling trying to keep up.  Granted, it was 2 on 1, and I have a bad ankle, and… let me think of some other excuses, um…  Oh it doesn’t matter, anyway.  We didn’t keep score.  Or at least I hope no one kept score.

-Dave Q.

October 2008
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.