Archive for April 10th, 2009
For the most part, I think Glenn Beck is alright. I would occasionally listen to his radio show on the way to work and he was humorous while getting his point across. Most of the time I agreed with where he was coming from. But I have noticed that he was getting a little preachy and emotional lately. I don’t respond well to that stuff. I have a good sense of humor and am looking to laugh. Make your point and do it while making me laugh. You will have my attention.
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
The 10.31 Project | ||||
Stephen Colbert is a funny mofo! And in the video above, he pretty much destroys Glenn Beck. And it is almost impossible to argue with what he’s saying. I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. You gotta love Stephen Colbert!
The lesson here? Quit crying! And quit whining for that matter. Seriously.
I wonder how Jon Stewart feels about his protoge becoming a superior comedian. Hmmm.
-Dave Q.