Archive for the ‘Weird’ Category

At an intersection very close to where I live, there is a strip mall on every corner.  Traffic is pretty bad in that area, especially on the weekends.  So it’s easy to get caught at a red light there.  Now usually that would be a boring experience, except that at this intersection is where a certain someone hangs out.  He is usually talking to himself.  Doing some martial arts moves.  Harassing pedestrians.   And making faces at anyone who makes eye contact with him.  I have dubbed this individual as “Crazy Asian Guy”.  And all of what you just read is 100% true.

I don’t know exactly how long Crazy Asian Guy has been hanging out at that corner.  I first noticed him around a year ago.  He almost always has a camo jacket, blue baseball cap, and sunglasses on.  Dude is really into whatever conversation he is having with himself.  I’ve seen him engage some drivers in conversation.  Or maybe he was talking to the cars.  Not sure.  Anyway, I’m going to make it a goal this summer to get Crazy Asian Guy on video.  Maybe I can get him while he’s talking to a fire hydrant about the weather.

-Dave Q.

This is unusual…

I’ve watched enough news lately to know that this winter could be described as “somewhat harsh”.  Snowstorms terrorizing the northeast and mid-west!  People getting trapped in their homes!  Car accidents!  Cities being shutdown because they don’t have enough snowplows, blah, blah, blah!  I feel for my fellow citizens going through all that.  But they live in places where the winters can be rough.  Being a tropical guy myself, I know I wouldn’t do well in that environment.  And that is one reason I call San Antonio home.  The climate is to my liking.  Not too hot, and not too… wait a minute…  What the hell??

My dog Murphy. Freezing his balls off.

Let me say it never snows in San Antonio.  Never!  And in the past when people would get all excited because the forecast called for a couple of snow flurries, nothing would happen.  Nada.  Zip. Zilch.  And I’m cool with that, because I don’t like to be cold!  Anyway, It’s gotten to the point whenever someone even hinted at snow in SA I would automatically tune them out.  I even told a few people this time around that there was no way it was going to snow this time around.  I was wrong.

Murphy in the snow from David Quesada on Vimeo.

I know it’s nothing compared to what, say, the New England area gets, but an inch of snow in San Antonio is a big deal.  It’s even a bigger deal because people here don’t know how to drive in the white stuff.  So tow-truck drivers had a field day today picking up cars and collision centers across the city are no doubt licking their chops with all the business about to head there way.  I think I heard something in the neighborhood of 200 car accidents?  Who knows what the final tally was.

So I guess Al Gore was right about Global Warming.  Or at least I heard that is what’s responsible for all this snow.  Makes sense, right?  NOT.  Go to hell, Al Gore.  It’s one of the coldest winters in recent history!  I’m definitely not a believer.  I wonder how much money this guy has reeled in from convincing people of this crap?

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some hot cocoa that needs heating.

-Dave Q.

I’ve received some very nice wedding announcements over the years.  All have been in either sent through the mail or in email form.  But check this one out.  I’m not sure what this says about Jeff and Erin.  Are they super creative?  Or do they simply have too much money and time on their hands?  You be the judge.

On another note, how about that height difference, huh?  Wow.  I know a lot of girls that would not be cool with that.

-Dave Q.

I’ve been to California.  It’s a beautiful state.  It makes me sad to see something like this and realize that it is being overrun with crazy people.

Both my sisters will be calling California “home” in the near future.  It breaks my heart.

-Dave Q.

I’ve got nothing against someone who wants to do something to protect the environment (except maybe Al Gore).  But these people are %$#&@ crazy.  And they wonder why no one takes these nut jobs seriously.

-Dave Q.

Want to see a video compilation of a girl in a ton of photos with the exact same ridiculous look on her face?  I knew you would!  :)

Seriously.  WTF is wrong with her?  It’s like she got stuck on “retarded” or something.  I seriously wonder if maybe she doesn’t have any teeth.  Or maybe she is a mannequin?  Nah.  They don’t make mannequins to look that skanky, do they?

Here is a link to a website with more people that have the “must make the exact same face when in front of camera” syndrome.

Makes me wonder if I know anyone with this condition.  I’m going to go through some old pics.  If I come upw with something, I will post it here.

-Dave Q.

Today, the homosexual community is banding together and calling into work “gay”.  They are callin it a “Day Without A Gay”.  I hope they accomplish whatever it is they are trying to do.  I think people already know how important it is to show up to work, whether you are gay, straight, crooked, whatever.  Especially during these tough economic times.  A pretty bold move to risk one’s job like that.

Anyway, the list of potential gay jokes is endless here.  I won’t even bother.  But today would not be a good day to be sick.  Or to have an emergency.  Because if you miss work today, I’m thinking people will be questioning your sexuality.  “What’s that, Tom?  You had to have an appendectomy??  Right…..”

-Dave Q.

When I found this, I thought it was kind of weird. But who else would you rather have a staring contest with? Dick Cheney??

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I hope if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't go by size. Because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.