Archive for the ‘Bullshit’ Category

This Snickers ad featuring Mr. T. was recently pulled because some morons consider it ‘homophobic’. Please. Are you telling me that only gay people do speed walking? Give me a break.

Homophobic? Nope. Funny? Hell yes!

The ad was being aired in the U.K., but apparently someone in the USA got Snickers to stop airing it. Way to make real Americans proud, ass-clown.

-Dave Q.

I’m pretty sure we have all seen this ad by now. And if you haven’t, here’s the 2 cent summary: Absolut Vodka put out the above ad with the intention of running it only in Mexico. They didn’t expect it to reach the U.S. and piss off patriotic Americans everywhere. I guess they’ve never heard of the internet, huh? Anyway, good thing I’m not a big drinker, but if I was, I would boycott their vodka. Why am I going to support a company that in their idea of a perfect world would be giving half of the geographical U.S. to Mexico? Screw ‘em.

And as for Mexico, our southern neighbors who hate our American government and laws but love our American currency, may I just say, ‘grow up’. You want to get mad at us because your ancestors lost a war in 1848 and signed an agreement that made that land property of the U.S.? America shouldn’t be the target of your anger. It should be your government that you are pissed off with. And since you would rather come over here illegally than to stand up for your rights and fix your government, then it sounds like you should be even more pissed off at yourselves. So stop bitching and whining about the past and for God’s sake do something about your future.

By the way, isn’t Absolut a Swedish company? What the hell do they know about vodka, anyway? Gotta trust the Russians on that front. I at least hope the Smirnoff people don’t have their heads up their collective asses like thse guys.

-Dave Q.

Dear Texas Voters,

flipping the bird

Way to give Hillary the primary, retards. If that broad becomes President, God help you if you are around me when you start complaining about her. What a bunch of geniuses.

-Dave Q


It’s pretty obvious to me that with the Clinton campaign pulling this crap about Obama and the Muslim garb he was photographed in, that they are in official desperation mode. Can’t say that I am shocked. Nor should anyone else be. Anyone with a clue should have the knowledge that Hillary Clinton cares about only one thing: Power. And Barack Obama is the biggest obstacle for her to reach that power. So, with that in mind, she will do anything it takes to win the presidency. Not because she gives a rat’s ass about you or me. But because she thirsts for power.

This goes to show how out of touch Hillary Clinton and her henchmen (sorry. Henchpeople. Have to be politically correct here.) are with the average American people. We are sick of politics. And we are sick of these kinds of tactics. If people already don’t hate Hillary enough, this just adds to it. I already despise this broad, so my disgust with her couldn’t grow anymore.

Man I hope she loses. I hope she loses badly.

-Dave Q.

First, let me wish you all a very special and very happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all get the love that you so desperately desire.

Second, let me tell you how much I think Valentine’s Day sucks. Is it because I never get anything? Nope. I’ve already gotten a bunch of gifts and candy from adoring fans, and it’s only 9 a.m, so that’s not it. It’s because Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday, in the sense that it was created for the sole purpose of generating crazy amounts of money for companies like Hallmark, FTD, Russell Stover, etc. It is essentially a scam. Yet we are made to feel guilty if we don’t buy all these things to make our significant others feel loved. I’ve got news for you. If it takes Valentine’s Day for your significant other to feel loved, you’ve got much bigger problems, my friend.

I also despise going to dinner on Valentine’s Day. But if you’re a regular reader of the blog, then you already know my strong feelings about that. Bottom line, it’s not worth it. In fact, February 14th may possibly be the worst day to ever dine out. Period. Don’t believe me? Then go to dinner tonight. It doesn’t even have to be a real fancy place. Hell, go to Chili’s if you want. I dare you.

Horbi's secret love

The only interesting part about Valentine’s Day is seeing all the women at work roll their eyes when one of their co-workers gets a delivery of flowers. I love that! They had a little something here that you can send a co-worker a Valentine, so Brian and I took it upon ourselves to send one on Horbi’s behalf. When you read the message in the pic, try to imagine it being said in a Puerto Rican accent. :)

Just because I don’t like Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean I’ve lost my sense of humor.

-Dave Q.

Eli Manning still blows.

I still don’t respect anyone that is so full of them self that they make trade demands before they even play a game in the NFL. I know a lot of people are happy to see the Patriots lose, but at the hands of Eli freakin’ Manning is just nauseating.

2008 is starting out pretty ugly. If Eli Manning can win the Super Bowl, then Hillary Clinton can be elected president. It may turn out to be a loooong year.

Oh well. At least spring training is around the corner. Anyone know when pitchers and catchers report?
-Dave Q.

A woman in Wisconsin had her home demolished by a tornado in early January. Traumatic, right? Well, apparently not traumatic enough for Time Warner’s taste. They slapped her for a bill to the tune of $2,000. What the hell? Apparently they are now trying to work something out with the woman and other residents that were affected by the natural disaster.

Here is the truly amusing thing. Time Warner was billing her for 5 cable boxes and 5 remotes. This equipment was nearly a decade old. And they want $2,000 for that crap? Not to mention if the service in Wisconsin was anything like the Time Warner service I had here, it was garbage. Just goes to show you how corporations try to screw you whenever possible. Suck it, TW.  Suck it hard.

-Dave Q.

Did you catch the rant from Roger Clemens? Denying the whole steroids saga? Man, he is pissed. I mean, really pissed. Like, he’s in a rage of some sort. A “roid rage”, perhaps?

Also, I just don’t know about the taped conversation between Clemens, and his personal trainer (and alleged steroid injector extraordinaire) Brian McNamee. It’s kind of confusing. At times they seem to be speaking in code. I think they both knew it was being recorded. So what they say on the recording didn’t seem genuine. But if I had to call it right now, I think Clemens is a liar. I just don’t buy that Clemens knew nothing about his boy, Andy Petitte, getting HGH from the personal trainer they share. I’m calling bullshit on that one.

Still, I don’t know if we will ever know the whole truth. In fact, I doubt we ever will. But who knows? As they say, “the truth is out there”. Anyone have the number for Mulder and Scully?

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • It's probably not a good idea to be chewing on a toothpick if you're talking to the president, because what if he tells a funny joke and you laugh so hard you spit the toothpick out and it hits him in the face or something.