Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

I know, I know. I thought she was done too.

Hillary Clinton insane

You think she’s dead, but no. Still quite the machette wielding maniac. And still coming after you. Probably wanting to eat your soul.

-Dave Q.

Well, the new year didn’t start out that great for one Hillary Clinton. And I’m perfectly ok with that since I think she’s the anti-christ. Not only did she not win in Iowa, she didn’t even come in 2nd place. Try 3rd place. And what about Bill’s face during the speech she gave after the results came in? He looked catatonic out there. Either that or he was zeroing in on the red-head in the 3rd row. Good ol’ Bill. :)

Still, she’s got balls. And as scary as it is, I know she will still be a legit candidate for the presidency. But it’s funny to know that at this very moment, she isn’t sleeping well. And that makes me smile.

I myself have not really picked a candidate to support. I’m still trying to read through all the issues to see what each candidate stands for. So as of now, I’m riding the “Anyone but Hillary” train.

-Dave Q.

(My Dad sent this one to me…)

To My Democrat Friends:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great; not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wish.

To My Republican Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

-Dave Q.

I already can’t stand Hillary Clinton. For whatever reason, whether it’s her political stances, her annoying voice, or just her monumental bitch persona, I just don’t like the dude woman. If there is one sure fire way to guarantee that I don’t vote Demorcat in 2008, it’s having this broad as the candidate.


So you can now add another reason why I can’t stand Hillary Clinton. Are you ready for this one? Apparently, girls are starting to find her attractive. Or at least this one does in this Hot 4 Hill video below. This is immediate cause for concern, since this girl doesn’t look too bad. I mean, if anyone women are going to be attracted to Hillary Clinton, shouldn’t they, you know, be butch like Hillary?

I don’t recognize the girl in the video, but apparently she is somewhat of a celebrity. Her name is Taryn Southern, an American Idol reject from a couple of years ago. It looks like she really digs Hillary. And at the same time she must hate men. And also children. Or at least I assume she hates children by putting them in this video and subjecting them to this political garbage. I mean, come on. The little kids are singing for Hillary. Oh! How adorable! They love her! We must make her our leader! Give me a break.

So yes, I despise Hillary Clinton. More so now than ever. How dare she start attracting decent looking girls! You know, I don’t know of any man that finds Hillary Clinton attractive. And that includes Bill. Do you really think Bill is attracted to this? Well, then again, he did get it on with Monica Lewinski. It’s like Bill is playing Dr Seuss. Except that Dr. Seuss’ version of Thing 1 and Thing 2 didn’t give a grown man nightmares.

Thing 1 Thing 2

I remember when I was in high school and Clinton was in his first term as President. Sometime during the second year of that term, my Mom got a new dog. It was a small, beagle like dog they she named “Maggie”. Well, my Dad has never called it by her name. Instead, he calls her “Hillary”. And he still does today. That’s a true story. And a wise man.

-Dave Q.

So 2 weekends ago was the Miss Universe pageant. It was held in Mexico City. Miss USA had a rough time. She fell on her ass in front of millions of viewers. That was kind of funny. But I give the girl, Rachel Smith, some props. She recovered as nicely. Or at least as best as anyone could.

So on top of that, the classy audience, made up of mostly Mexicans, boos Miss USA. I ask you this question: Is anyone surprised? I find it amusing that millions of Mexicans who break United States laws to come to this country to “live the American dream” would boo Miss USA. But these are the same no class people who chanted “Osama” during a soccer match against the United States in February of 2004 in Mexico.

They hate us so much but they want in so bad. I wish the Mexican people would have some pride, rise up to their situation, and fix their country. Instead, they want to run over here and shove their traditions down our collective throats. I mean, how bad a shape is your country when your own government is trying to help you enter the U.S. illegally?


The Mexican government had a website containing all the information that is on the link above, but perhaps over too much international criticism, they took it down. But it was up long enough to record what they are telling their citizens. And what they are telling their citizens basically goes a little something like this: “Mexico sucks. Go to the US to work and send all the money you make illegally back to Mexico. This is all we can think of to help our economy. We are too busy being corrupt to think of anything else.”.

Things like this make me never want to step foot in Mexico. Any part of it. Not even Cancun. Or Cozumel. Or Cabo. It is an unbelievably corrupt place. I know the US government is far from perfect, but, come on! Have you seen “Man on Fire” ?

Man on Fire

Until the Mexican people grow the “cojones” to do something about their country, this problem won’t go away. Hopefully something is done before they jack up my country like they did theirs. But for now, I’m just going to buy this shirt.


Sad... but true.

-Dave Q.

Rosie O’Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselback threw down yesterday on the show they host. It’s called “The View”. Apparently it’s been on the air for a few years? I don’t know. However, I can’t help but be curious. Maybe someone can answer this question: Is this show always like this? Check out the fireworks below.

This is actually pretty entertaining. Both O’Donnell and Hasselbeck are spitting some serious venom at each other. And surprisingly, both make some valid points. So who won this catfight? Hmmmmmm. Tough call. I have heard little blips through the media that O’Donnell likes to beat up on Hasselbeck, but little Elisabeth seemed to hold her own in the arguement. So I can’t really determine a winner based on their debating skills. We’ll have to call it a tie. And we all know what that means… Sudden Death!!!

In the world of The Quesada Chronicles, we’ll determine a winner based on looks. And although it’s close…. Hasselbeck wins by a colossul landslide and delivers a beating so severe to O’Donnell that Rosie now looks to Donald Trump for support. And also now she likes men. That’s a pretty bad beating. Winner -> Hasselbeck!

Now I don’t want to brag, but I’ve been dabbling with Photoshop 7.0 quite a bit lately. And I got to thinking about that Conan O’Brien bit where they get two celebrities and ask the question, “What if they mated?”, and then morph their pictures together to get some hillarious results. So I morphed these two lovely ladies together with Photoshop and I have to say I’m pretty proud of the result. What do you think?


Basically I took Rosie and put Elisabeth’s hair on her. Believe it or not, I am self trained in Photoshop.

-Dave Q.


So this ad came out depicting Hillary as some kind of “Big Brother”. It is WAY too early for mud-slinging. It’s not even 2008 yet. But here we go already.

So the ad itself is kind of creepy. And I’m not talking about those human drones. I’m talking about Hillary. She gives me chills. The bad kind.

So if voting “different” means not voting for Hillary Clinton, then I guess I’m voting different. I just hope there are still some candidates out there that haven’t thrown their hats in the ring. Because as of right now, I’m voting different. As in I’ll be voting for my co-worker’s Big Mac. And his fries for VP. That’s different.

Dude didn’t even offer to pick up anything for me. Bastard.

-Dave Q.

Hillary Clinton is a phony. No shocker there. And that goes for Barack Obama as well. And all politicians for that matter. It’s part of their job to deceive. It’s instinct to them. Kind of like salmon swimming up river. So I wasn’t surprised when it came up that Hillary was in Alabama speaking at a black church with a thick southern accent. Isn’t this lady from Illinois? I mean, before she claimed to be a New Yorker?

Leave it to Fox News to point this out and put it on the air. They are very biased to the conservative base just like CNN is to the liberals. That being said, I get my news from the only news source I can trust. That’s right. The Weekend Update on SNL. Or online at

Anyway, I am amazed at how quickly all these candidates have come out of the shoot. The election isn’t until 2008. Yet here we are. At least it provides for some entertainment. Tuning into Saturday Night Live during Presidential election season is priceless. May the least corrupt candidate win.

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • Some folks say it was a miracle. Saint Francis suddenly appeared and knocked the next pitch clean over the fence. But I think it was just a lucky swing.