Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

I’ve been to California.  It’s a beautiful state.  It makes me sad to see something like this and realize that it is being overrun with crazy people.

Both my sisters will be calling California “home” in the near future.  It breaks my heart.

-Dave Q.

I’ve got nothing against someone who wants to do something to protect the environment (except maybe Al Gore).  But these people are %$#&@ crazy.  And they wonder why no one takes these nut jobs seriously.

-Dave Q.

Obviously, when I don’t blog, as I haven’t been lately, celebrities die.  And I apologize.  Especially to Billy Mays.  I really liked that guy.

As for this Michael Jackson stuff.  Wow.  I can’t believe there are that many people that adored him.  That are so broken up emotionally about this.  I am amazed at all the TV coverage.  I guess am the only one that remembers that he raped little boys?!?!

I don’t care what the judicial system said.  The dude was a child molester.  And I guess his music and cool dance moves are enough to make people look the other way.  Pathetic.  I’m just glad it isn’t just happening in America.  It looks like the world as a whole has their collective head up their ass when it comes to idolizing this pedophile.

I am gladly in the minority observing this crap.  It feels good not to drink the kool-aid.

-Dave Q.

PS:  Rest in peace Ed McMahon, Farah Fawcett, David Caradine.  And of course Billy Mays!

Want to see a video compilation of a girl in a ton of photos with the exact same ridiculous look on her face?  I knew you would!  :)

Seriously.  WTF is wrong with her?  It’s like she got stuck on “retarded” or something.  I seriously wonder if maybe she doesn’t have any teeth.  Or maybe she is a mannequin?  Nah.  They don’t make mannequins to look that skanky, do they?

Here is a link to a website with more people that have the “must make the exact same face when in front of camera” syndrome.

Makes me wonder if I know anyone with this condition.  I’m going to go through some old pics.  If I come upw with something, I will post it here.

-Dave Q.

For the most part, I think Glenn Beck is alright.  I would occasionally listen to his radio show on the way to work and he was humorous while getting his point across.  Most of the time I agreed with where he was coming from.  But I have noticed that he was getting a little preachy and emotional lately.  I don’t respond well to that stuff.  I have a good sense of humor and am looking to laugh.  Make your point and do it while making me laugh.  You will have my attention.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The 10.31 Project
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

Stephen Colbert is a funny mofo!  And in the video above, he pretty much destroys Glenn Beck.  And it is almost impossible to argue with what he’s saying.  I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks.  :)   You gotta love Stephen Colbert!

The lesson here?  Quit crying!  And quit whining for that matter.  Seriously.

I wonder how Jon Stewart feels about his protoge becoming a superior comedian.  Hmmm.

-Dave Q.

Last night I was playing some pretty solid defense in the outfield.  And since it was the last game of the season, I asked to play an inning at shortstop.  Well, ladies and gentlemen, God doesn’t want me to play shortstop.  Ever.

It was a funky play.  Nothing cool about it.  I was basically taking a relay throw back from the outfield.  The throw bounced just short of me and came up and drilled me in the right middle finger.  I picked up the ball, threw it back in, and then looked at my hand where I found blood everywhere (my friends told me there was a trail of blood leading to the bathroom).

I thought the extent of the injury was that the nail on my finger got pushed up by the ball.  So at worst, I figured, I would just be losing the nail.  But the wound never stopped bleeding.  So I went to the doctor this morning and the found that the reason the nail on the finger was being pushed up was that a bone in my finger broke and was forcing the nail up.  Sucks, don’t it?

Here’s one of the x-rays in case any of you know how to read one.

Anyway, I have an appointment tomorrow with a hand surgeon.  I’m hoping surgery can be avoided, but I just don’t know.  If they have to cut my finger open, then I can kiss my dreams of being a hand model good-bye.  :(


Surgery was successful.  Typing will be difficult, though.  I wish I had some voice recognition software for this.  But anyway, my finger is numb and I have some vicodin waiting on stand-by.

Ummmm.  Wow.  This is completely insane.  I wish I knew what she was babbling about.  Subtitles would have come in handy.  Then again, maybe I don’t want to know.

They don’t get that much crazier than this.  How bad is China that a grown woman throws a tantrum like this?  It can’t be that bad.  Oh, wait.  I forgot about that whole communist thing.  Yeah…

-Dave Q.

If I had voted for Barack Obama, I would want to punch this guy in the mouth.  Makes all Obama supporters look… well… I would just be really pissed at this guy.

I’m not sure how the Secret Service could let this guy be in the same building with Barack Obama.  Did someone drop the ball here?  What a retard.

I bet the McDonald’s people are pissed.  That goes for normal people that work there and the owners of the company.  Way to represent, Julio!

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.