Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

A woman in Wisconsin had her home demolished by a tornado in early January. Traumatic, right? Well, apparently not traumatic enough for Time Warner’s taste. They slapped her for a bill to the tune of $2,000. What the hell? Apparently they are now trying to work something out with the woman and other residents that were affected by the natural disaster.

Here is the truly amusing thing. Time Warner was billing her for 5 cable boxes and 5 remotes. This equipment was nearly a decade old. And they want $2,000 for that crap? Not to mention if the service in Wisconsin was anything like the Time Warner service I had here, it was garbage. Just goes to show you how corporations try to screw you whenever possible. Suck it, TW.  Suck it hard.

-Dave Q.

Just saw the new that Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment. I don’t want to speculate, but from what I’ve read so far, looks like it was drugs.

Rest in peace, bro.

-Dave Q.

I know, I know. I thought she was done too.

Hillary Clinton insane

You think she’s dead, but no. Still quite the machette wielding maniac. And still coming after you. Probably wanting to eat your soul.

-Dave Q.

Penelope Cruz and her sister Monica came out in a music video for their brother, Eduardo. In the video, the sisters share a lesbian kiss. And apparently this was their brother’s idea.

I can only shake my head here. It’s pretty obvious that this guy Eduardo needs all the help he can get to promote his crappy music. And nothing says “I know I have no musical talent” than getting your famous sister to make out with your hotter sister in your music video. But the fact that he thought this up may be a sampling of deeper issues. Eduardo, those are your sisters! You really want to see your sisters make out? And dance around you half-naked?? They are your sisters!! What the hell is wrong with you?

So in the end, the only ones that benefit from Eduardo Cruz’s crappy music ability and his drive for incest, is any guy not related to the Cruz sisters. Monica Cruz should definitely look into getting into showbiz. Very nice to look at. More so than her sister.

As for you, Eduardo, I hope someone finds you a good therapist. Jeez.

-Dave Q.

Not cool, Jessica.Jessica Alba is pregnant. She and some guy named Cash Warren (I guess that’s his real name) are expecting a baby next spring. First Salma Hayek, now this. This sucks.

So here are a couple of things to remember Miss Alba by. Since these days are pretty much over. Dear Lord, I hope I’m wrong. It’s happened before.

I thought about putting up a pic of this Cash Warren guy, but I don’t think it would be right to actually put up a visual of the most hated man in the world. He is no doubt already getting death threats. Perhaps a call to the witness protection program is in order?

I hate you, Cash Warren. Go to hell.

-Dave Q.

My buddy Hadji sent this to me a few minutes ago. I don’t know what to make of it. But I did laugh my ass off. So maybe you will too.

-Dave Q.

Come on, Eva. Say it ain’t so.

Alicia Silverstone. Kim Basinger. Christine Applegate. Pamela Anderson. These four has beens top the list of celebrities that have done ads for PETA, the bullshit organization that values the lives of animals more than human life. In these ads, the celebrity appears nude saying something like “fur isn’t cool” or something to that effect. Well, they finally got a celebrity in the prime of her career to get naked. Even better, someone you want to see naked. This sucks big time, since I really, really like her. I just didn’t realize she was into domestic terrorism.

So here is the ad that super hot Eva Mendes came out in today in New York City. Nice…. uh… back. :) Now before you go and start writing thank you letters to PETA, realize that this group is not all cute and cuddly like the baby seals they are protecting. PETA is in reality a pretty sick group. Check out what, of all people, Penn and Teller find out about the magical group that is PETA right here.

Based on that information, if you have pets, you are in violation of what PETA is trying to do. And the funniest thing about this is that pet owners are probably their biggest supporters! Kind of reminds me of a bit they did on “The Man Show”, where they were getting women to sign a petition to end women’s suffrage. Women left and right were signing this petition, not realizing that women’s suffrage is the right for women to vote. But we all knew that, right? So pet owners naturally think that supporting PETA is a good thing. Moral of the story, do your research.

If you don’t like watching videos, or don’t like Penn & Teller, then go to Pretty shocking stuff in there. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals? Nope. Not really.

-Dave Q.

Joe Horn, Houston resident and not Atlanta Falcons wide receiver, shot and killed two people who were burglarizing his neighbors home. And he did all this while on the phone with 911. He called them to report the burglary and then decided to take matters into his own hands when the burglars tried to leave with a bag of goods.

If you heard the 911 call, then you heard that both the burglars happen to be black. Well, apparently that makes it a racial issue. In steps in some Jesse Jackson wannabe that calls himself Quannel X. He and his friends with the New Black Panthers announce that they will be paying a visit to the residence of Joe Horn on Sunday. Well, some 500 supporters of Joe Horn were there to greet him. They pretty much shouted him down with USA chants. He and the Black Panthers basically left with their tales between their legs. Ha! Get it? Panthers have tails.

I think we as Americans have the right to protect our property. And I believe in the 2nd Amendment. And I don’t like burglars. So I am siding with Joe Horn on all this. Under Texas law, it appears that he was within his legal right, although he may face charges of some kind. With all that being said, I wouldn’t mind Joe Horn being my neighbor and watching out for me.

As for Quannel X. Well, I really don’t know. I Googled him and didn’t get anything but that most people think he’s an “Ass-Clown”. So what I do know about Quannel X is that he is the one making this whole Joe Horn shooting incident about race. And that and he’s not as funny as Nat X, as played by Chris Rock on Saturday Night Live.

So there you go. Nat X interviewing Jesse Jackson. A Quannel X wet dream. Sleep well, Quannel.

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • Instead of putting a quarter under a kid's pillow, how about a pinecone? That way, he learns that "wishing" isn't going to save out national forests.