Archive for February 13th, 2007

To hell with Starbucks. I’ve never gotten coffee there. Never had an urge to drink coffee. Or cappucino. Or whatever fancy words they use these days for hot chocolate. I blame this on the bad marketing. Nothing I see from Starbucks tells me they are targeting guys to sell their products to. I don’t know if there are any other coffee chains out there, but if there are, I haven’t seen anything from them either. Seriously, though. Are there any coffee chains besides Starbucks?

But due to clever marketing, my avoidance to these snooty coffee places may come to an end. I have discovered something that has been “brewing” in the Seattle area (ha! “Brewing”! Get it?). A whole new way to market coffee. Brace yourselves for this. Ready? Scantily clad girls! Yes, you read correctly. Girls, in some cases wearing just their bras and panties, serving you coffee through a drive-thru window. Brilliant!


It’s like Hooters meets Maxwell House, but with hot girls instead of skanks! Well, mostly hot girls. :) And come on. Don’t flame me for that skanks comment. We all know that today’s quality of the Hooters girl ain’t what it used to be. The girls at these coffee houses have that “girl next door” look, which is a refreshing change from the nasty, strung out Hooters girl you get that keeps forgetting your curly fires under the heat lamp. Anyway, check out the links below. I hope to be visiting Seattle sometime in the near future. And when I do, I definietly plan on getting my coffee drink on!

Please pass the sugar. Huh? This stuff is already sweet? I knew that.

-Dave Q.

Here is one of the guys claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby. His name is Howard K. Stern. Not to be confused with the super classy radio personality Howard Stern (As heard on Sirius Satellite Radio, which if you ask me is a great stock buy. And I’m not just saying that because I’m a shareholder. Maybe I am.). This Howard K. Stern guy has “slimeball” written all over him. He was Anna Nicole’s lawyer, which makes him look even worse. Why do I feel this way, you ask? Well, for starters, he sold this interview to Entertainment Tonight for $1 million! $1 million freakin’ dollars!!! Does that sound like something a man sincerely grieving over losing someone he loved would do? Or more like someone who realized he could cash in on all this hoopla? You decide. You can see the interview below.


Now there is serious chatter that this guy may not have only had something with Anna Nicole’s demise, but also the death of her son (Daniel who died in the Bahamas last year). The dude just gives off a sinister vibe. Kind of like that Scott Peterson dirt bag. This is getting weirder every day.

February 2007
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.