Archive for February 12th, 2007
This is ridiculous. So how many dudes are claiming to be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s baby? Four? Five maybe? The fact that so many can put in this claim speaks volumes of the kind of “lady” Anna Nicole Smith, or should I say Vickie Hogan (her real name), was.
And then all these guys claiming to be the daddy. Do they really care about this kid? Or do they see $$$ signs if they are given custody? As harsh as it is, this kid is essentially a $500 million lottery ticket, and these guys know it. Depending on the outcome of an ongoing court battle, Anna Nicole Smith could have inherited a fortune. So if in the end the courts rule she gets the money, then it would go to her children. And since her 20 year old son died last year (you guessed it, drugs), the 5 month old little girl gets the cash. Wow.
So the father could be her lawyer, her former photographer, freakin’ Zsa-Zsa Gabor’s husband, or her dead ex-husband’s. No joke on the last guy! And he’s been dead over a decade! At this point I’m not ruling out that it could be Jason Roller’s.
I don’t feel bad for Anna Nicole Smith. Or for anyone that is blessed with good fortune and financial freedom and throw it all away because they liked drugs so much. The lady wasn’t all there, probably because her brain was fried. And at the end she had the IQ of a peanut butter cup.
I do feel bad for the baby, though. I hope whoever the real daddy is will step up and truly take care of the kid. Assuming they find the real dad. With all the possibilities, it could take years. Ahhhh, Anna Nicole… what a lady.
-Dave Q.
Usually I don’t mind this time of year. Football season ending usually provides a nice transition into a greater love of mine: basketball. Not just any basketball, but NBA basketball! And not just any NBA basketball, but San Antonio Spurs NBA basketball!! You get the point. I live in San Antonio and have been a die hard Spurs fan most my life. But sadly at this point, I’m already prepping for the “die hard” part.
The Spurs are playing like #%!@&! And the sad thing is, they are still one of the best teams in the league! Spurs fans have been spoiled by their solid play over the years. We’ve come to expect perfection. Anything less than a championship is a wasted season. And even though Spurs fans have it better than most other teams, it still disgusts me when they lose. Especially to infererior teams, like the T-Wolves, or the Kobe Bryants. But that is just the year they are having. Although they are going to make the playoffs, I don’t expect them to do well. It’s just not their year.
So, what I’m trying to say is, that it’s going to be a long season as a Spurs fan. There has already been so much frustration. So many headaches. And now that football is done for the year, it will be that much more amplified. So here’s hoping things get better. And here’s to spring training that is right around the corner! Only the start of Atlanta Braves baseball can tear my focus from the train wreck that is the Spurs right now. Anyone know when pitchers and cathers report?
-Dave Q.