Archive for February 26th, 2007

I went to see Reno 911:Miami last night. As much as I’d love this to be a movie review, this is more to serve as a warning. Do you ever get to the movies early enough that you are actually seated before the previews start? If you have, then you pretty much know that they have about 20 minutes worth of commecrials/behind-the-scenes stuff showing on the big screen. Well, last night I got there before the previews began and the 20 minute segment was off and running. Everything was cool, until this commercial came on…

Let me start by saying, ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why?!? Why??!?!?? I did not recall Reno 911:Miami carrying an NC-17 rating! Why did I have to see this? Who the hell is going to pay for my therapy now? Comedy Central?!?

Obviously those women are proud of how they look at their age, I guess. Or they are all suffering of some form of dementia and forgot to put on their clothes. Either way, I wish I never had to see it. Easily one of the worst things I’ve seen in 2007. I would have rather sat through the Oscars.

On a lighter note, Reno 911:Miami wasn’t too bad. Not sure if it’s Oscar quality. But if Jennifer Lopez can be a presenter at the Academy Awards, then Reno 911: Miami has a chance to win Best Picture.

-Dave Q.

Last night was the Oscars. Or, as I’d like to put it, Super Bowl Sunday for women and hippies. I did not watch it due to my strict policy against watching any television or movies that may possibly make me dumber. However, I would make an exception if I were guaranteed seeing Halle Berry all night instead of Ellen Degeneres. But not until then. So since I didn’t actually see the awards, I can’t really comment on them. But feel free to fill me in!


The GORGEOUS Halle Berry

So, I heard this thing lasted nearly 4 hours?! Wow. Did any of you sit through this? I also heard that Eddie Murphy and Mark Wahlberg were nominated for Oscars. I repeat, Eddie Murphy and Mark Wahlberg. And also Kelly Leak from the Bad News Bears. I guess they are just handing these nominations out now like they’re flu shots, huh? I can’t wait for mine. Do they come via UPS or FedEx?

-Dave Q.

February 2007
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I hope if dogs ever take over the world and they choose a king, they don't go by size. Because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas.