Archive for January 9th, 2008

Oregon MayorWhile we’re on the subject of politics…

The mayor of a little town in Oregon has some pretty revealing pics of herself on, where else, her MySpace page. Here’s one of them…

Her name is Carmen Kontur-Gronquist, and is the mayor of Arlington, Oregon. A little town with a population of about 500. She is taking some heat for her half-naked images. But the Mayor has taken a fresh approach about all this attention her pics are getting.

“I’m not going to change who I am. There’s a lot of officials that have a personal life, and you have people in this community who have nothing better to do than scrape up stuff like this.”

She has a point. So what if she takes a pic on a city fire truck with nothing but her bra and panties? She looks like she’s in good shape, and is obviously wanting to show off her body. Not bad for a forty-something. At least that’s what I’m guessing. She may want to back away from the tanning bed a bit.

Anyway, if I lived in that little town in east Oregon, I would be proud of the mayor. I mean, who the hell knew there was an Arlington, Oregon before this happened? And I would definitely vote for her. And keep re-electing her. Until she looked bad in lingerie, that is.

I bet it’s fun to see her working the “polls” come election time. Ha! Get it? :)

-Dave Q.

I know, I know. I thought she was done too.

Hillary Clinton insane

You think she’s dead, but no. Still quite the machette wielding maniac. And still coming after you. Probably wanting to eat your soul.

-Dave Q.

January 2008
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Today's Deep Thought

  • I wish a robot would get elected president. That way, when he came to town, we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.