Archive for the ‘Not Cool’ Category

It’s pretty obvious to me that with the Clinton campaign pulling this crap about Obama and the Muslim garb he was photographed in, that they are in official desperation mode. Can’t say that I am shocked. Nor should anyone else be. Anyone with a clue should have the knowledge that Hillary Clinton cares about only one thing: Power. And Barack Obama is the biggest obstacle for her to reach that power. So, with that in mind, she will do anything it takes to win the presidency. Not because she gives a rat’s ass about you or me. But because she thirsts for power.

This goes to show how out of touch Hillary Clinton and her henchmen (sorry. Henchpeople. Have to be politically correct here.) are with the average American people. We are sick of politics. And we are sick of these kinds of tactics. If people already don’t hate Hillary enough, this just adds to it. I already despise this broad, so my disgust with her couldn’t grow anymore.

Man I hope she loses. I hope she loses badly.

-Dave Q.

First, let me wish you all a very special and very happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you all get the love that you so desperately desire.

Second, let me tell you how much I think Valentine’s Day sucks. Is it because I never get anything? Nope. I’ve already gotten a bunch of gifts and candy from adoring fans, and it’s only 9 a.m, so that’s not it. It’s because Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday, in the sense that it was created for the sole purpose of generating crazy amounts of money for companies like Hallmark, FTD, Russell Stover, etc. It is essentially a scam. Yet we are made to feel guilty if we don’t buy all these things to make our significant others feel loved. I’ve got news for you. If it takes Valentine’s Day for your significant other to feel loved, you’ve got much bigger problems, my friend.

I also despise going to dinner on Valentine’s Day. But if you’re a regular reader of the blog, then you already know my strong feelings about that. Bottom line, it’s not worth it. In fact, February 14th may possibly be the worst day to ever dine out. Period. Don’t believe me? Then go to dinner tonight. It doesn’t even have to be a real fancy place. Hell, go to Chili’s if you want. I dare you.

Horbi's secret love

The only interesting part about Valentine’s Day is seeing all the women at work roll their eyes when one of their co-workers gets a delivery of flowers. I love that! They had a little something here that you can send a co-worker a Valentine, so Brian and I took it upon ourselves to send one on Horbi’s behalf. When you read the message in the pic, try to imagine it being said in a Puerto Rican accent. :)

Just because I don’t like Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean I’ve lost my sense of humor.

-Dave Q.

A woman in Wisconsin had her home demolished by a tornado in early January. Traumatic, right? Well, apparently not traumatic enough for Time Warner’s taste. They slapped her for a bill to the tune of $2,000. What the hell? Apparently they are now trying to work something out with the woman and other residents that were affected by the natural disaster.

Here is the truly amusing thing. Time Warner was billing her for 5 cable boxes and 5 remotes. This equipment was nearly a decade old. And they want $2,000 for that crap? Not to mention if the service in Wisconsin was anything like the Time Warner service I had here, it was garbage. Just goes to show you how corporations try to screw you whenever possible. Suck it, TW.  Suck it hard.

-Dave Q.

I have observed for a while the decline of MySpace. You see, when I first got into it back in 2002, it was a cool networking platform. An innovative new way to find old friends and possibly make new ones. Back then it was a good thing. Today, not so much. It is more of a punchline now. Where girls post slutty pics of themselves, where cyber-bullying and gossip reign supreme, and where perverts can go to see who they can stalk next. To me, it has become utterly repulsive, and ultimately useless.

My only reason for having an account was to keep up with the happenings of my two sisters, who are big fans of MySpace. One lives in California, while the other resides in Hawaii. They put up pics of family and blogged about things they have seen or done. For the most part, all in good taste, which I understood was the original concept of the site. So after logging in today to see what is happening with them, I came to the conclusion that it was time to cut ties with this joke of a website. When canceling, there was a place to comment. Here is what I told the MySpace folks:

MySpace was a great idea when I first got into it back in 2002. Now, it has gotten so “ghetto”, that an ad at the front page that appeared after I logged in was an advertisement stating something along the lines of “Want to know how to get the girl? You need the right rims! Pimp your ride! Click here!”. WTF? Well, that did it for me. I’m obviously not the audience you are wanting to attract. If I wanted to be subjected to ads like that, I’d record an episode of Jerry Springer. Way to go, MySpace.

So that’s that. I don’t want to be associated with the trash that the majority of MySpace users now consist of. And I feel like I owe an apology to all the friends and family that I turned on to MySpace a few years ago. It really was a great concept at the time. Had I known it was going in the direction that it did, I never would have suggested it. I can only imagine that the other big social networking sites are heading the same direction. Facebook. Friendster. It’s just a matter of time.

Bottom line is, I’m too good for MySpace. And I know quite a few people on there who are too.

-Dave Q.

Just saw the new that Heath Ledger was found dead in his New York apartment. I don’t want to speculate, but from what I’ve read so far, looks like it was drugs.

Rest in peace, bro.

-Dave Q.

I am into politics in the sense that I want to know what’s going on. I am no doubt liberal in some areas, but for the most part conservative. So with that in mind, I have taken every opportunity to watch the presidential debates and the coverage of the primaries. So far, I have been tuning in to CNN to get this coverage. Why? Simple: It’s the only major news network I get that streams in HD. So with that in mind, tonight’s debate made it “clearer” that I do not want Hillary Clinton to be president. HD is not kind to her. Not in the least bit. If the goal is to frighten our enemies into submission, then we can just use a close-up of Hillary from tonight’s debate as kind of a warning signal whenever terrorists start spewing American hate. Other than that, she is pretty much useless. But as scary as seeing Hillary in HD was, it makes me think that CNN might have some secret agreement with her campaign. How else could they explain this…

This is Candy Crowley, a political correspondent on CNN. And let me say I have never been so offended by the outrageous misuse of a hot girl’s name on such a non-hot being. Yikes. I almost feel like CNN deliberately put this “woman” on the air to make Hillary less hideous. Almost worked, too. Not cool, CNN. You’d think that Anderson Cooper would alert the audience by saying something along the lines of “not appropriate for children” or “graphic nature” before showing her on screen. Here’s some free advice for CNN: If you’re going to be in HD, less Big Girl, more Soledad O’Brien. Makes me anxious to see these faces whenever Fox News goes HD in my area.

Sometimes technology has a funny way of rearing it’s ugly head. It’s very ugly, nightmare inducing head. Sweet dreams.

-Dave Q.

Quick side note: The debate was pretty good. Very entertaining attacks on each other. I they may have talked about an issue or two.

Penelope Cruz and her sister Monica came out in a music video for their brother, Eduardo. In the video, the sisters share a lesbian kiss. And apparently this was their brother’s idea.

I can only shake my head here. It’s pretty obvious that this guy Eduardo needs all the help he can get to promote his crappy music. And nothing says “I know I have no musical talent” than getting your famous sister to make out with your hotter sister in your music video. But the fact that he thought this up may be a sampling of deeper issues. Eduardo, those are your sisters! You really want to see your sisters make out? And dance around you half-naked?? They are your sisters!! What the hell is wrong with you?

So in the end, the only ones that benefit from Eduardo Cruz’s crappy music ability and his drive for incest, is any guy not related to the Cruz sisters. Monica Cruz should definitely look into getting into showbiz. Very nice to look at. More so than her sister.

As for you, Eduardo, I hope someone finds you a good therapist. Jeez.

-Dave Q.

My buddy Jay and I made a bet when the Tennessee Titans drafted Vince Young. He said Vince Young would lead the Titans to the playoffs sometime within his first 3 years. I said he wouldn’t. Last night I lost the bet. Sort of.

The Titans beat the Colts Sunday night, and with that win, squeaked into the playoffs. Never mind that good old VY was on the sideline (with yet another injury) when his team went ahead. But it is notable that the backup QB, Kerry Collins, was the one getting interviewed right after the game. Camera time usually reserved for the player that made the biggest impact to victory. But, oh well. Vince “Wonderlic” Young is on the Titans. And the Titans are in the playoffs. So Jay wins the bet. The first bet he has won against me since we were Sophomore’s in high school 17 years ago. At a boy, Jay! Nice job, man.

Still, I have to express how much Vince Young sucks. It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t bring up the sensational 2007 stats that he produced. I won’t mention that beautiful QB rating, since children under the age of 18 could be reading this. But I will say this: I don’t know anything that defines “leading one’s team into the playoffs” like throwing 9 TDs and 17 interceptions for the season. Wow. Friggin’ wow.

The worst thing about this situation is not that I will be giving Jay a bottle of his favorite liquor. I actually like that part. Crown Royal makes him happy, so I’m cool with that. No, the worst part about this is that I will have to keep seeing Vince Young try to throw a football. The Titans play the Chargers next week. And since I like the Chargers, I will be watching the game. And cringing when I see Vince Young firing those ever so tight spirals to his receivers.

The more I think about this, the more I think Jay will have to wait on his bottle of Crown. I’m going to need every drop of that shit to get through that game.

-Dave Q.

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Today's Deep Thought

  • The old-timers around here still shake their heads and chuckle about that city slicker who came through, trying to peddle "hair restorer." He took everyone's money in a poker game, so when he tried to sell the bottles of hair restorer, nobody had any money left to buy it!